Mind Wrench Podcast

Episode #174 - Are you driving or riding?

Rick Selover Episode 174

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Episode Notes: 

When you have to travel by car, are you more apt to jump in the back seat and let someone else do the driving because it’s just easier?... or are you one that simply insists on driving?

In your personal life, do you make all the decisions that determine your outcomes, or do you usually just “go with the flow”?

Do you consider yourself a “driver” or a “rider”?

Have you ever wondered what it really means to take control of your life? Join me on this transformative journey where I share personal stories from my teenage years, illustrating the powerful metaphor of being a “driver” versus a “passenger” in both literal and metaphorical journeys. Learn how taking the wheel of your own life allows you to shape your future, make critical decisions, ensuring not only your own safety, but your destiny as well. I'll highlight the risks and disempowerment that come with being a passive passenger, encouraging you to climb out of that back seat & reassess your role in your personal and professional lives.
 We’ll also dive deep into the concept of taking control and making decisive moves in one specific area of your life. Discover the immense power of visualization, commitment, and resilience as key tools for overcoming challenges and achieving your goals. Tune in to start driving your own destiny in all areas of your life!


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But today's discussion about being a driver really isn't just about your transportation, right? No, it's really about making your own decisions in life, not leaving things to chance or to others to make those decisions in your behalf. Very simply, driving is a very proactive role. Being a rider or a passenger is a very reactive role, or non-active role, sometimes dictating the difference between life and death, Much the same as traveling in a vehicle.


Every one of us in our own daily lives is either a driver or a passenger a rider- Welcome to the MindWrench Podcast with your host, rick Sellover, where minor adjustments produce major improvements in mindset, personal growth and success. This is the place to be every Monday, where we make small improvements and take positive actions in our business and personal lives that will make a major impact in our success, next-level growth and quality of life.


Hey, what's up everybody. Welcome to the MindWrench Podcast. I'm your host, rick Silover. Thanks so much for stopping in. If you're a returning listener and haven't done so already, please take a minute and click the follow or subscribe button and then rate and review the show. When you rate and review the show, when you rate and review the show, the algorithms for Apple, spotify, google Podcasts, iheartradio, amazon Music and all the other platforms will see that it's valuable and show it to more people that have never seen it before, and hopefully it can help them too. I would really, really really appreciate your help sharing this word with your friends and family as well, and if you're a brand new listener, welcome. I hope you find something of value here that helps you in your personal or professional life as well. Please make sure to click the subscribe or follow button so you never miss another episode. Hey, this week I just wanted to share a short little message, something I've been thinking about for the past couple weeks, and as I was thinking through this subject and what I wanted to talk about, it really took me back to when I was a teenager and some of the things that happened in my life and some of the things I went through back then, which really kind of drove this message to begin with. So I hope this message resonates with you in some way and maybe motivates you to make some changes you might have been waiting to make.


Back when I was a teenager, our ideas of entertainment were much simpler than today's youth no VR headsets, no 3D video gaming or countless hours on social media. Nope, usually somebody with a car not everybody had one in the early 70s would drive and a bunch of us would pile into his or her car. Back then they were all huge cars LTDs and Napalas and Buick Rivieras, old Lincolns, caddies and all them. Full-size station wagons of the late 60s and early 70s were massive and held probably six to eight people. Anyways, we'd all jump in and just cruise around aimlessly, just burning up that 75 cent a gallon gas for hours and hours. Didn't matter who the driver was and what he was smoking or drinking either. He had the car right. No seatbelt laws, so nobody wore them. No airbags, manual brakes, manual steering, just nothing between the passengers and the windshield or door glass, but thick cigarette smoke and luck, although at the time it seemed okay to just leave our lives in the hands of whoever was driving, whether they were high or drunk or both.


It wasn't until sometime in high school that I just started losing some of my grade school and middle school friends to deadly traffic accidents. Most times it wasn't the driver either, it was the passengers that got ejected from the car. Hell, I must have lost about a half a dozen buddies within a couple years. It was so tragic and a bit of a wake-up call for me. It wasn't long after that time frame that I really started deciding to drive myself to the parties, the bonfires, the events, instead of riding with someone else, even though it might have been easier or cheaper. Although most of the cars I owned were $50 to $100 beaters and seriously I can't remember how many I went through, it was a lot of them to $100 beaters and seriously I can't remember how many I went through, it was a lot of them, and they were probably far from being roadworthy, but nonetheless I was in control of the gas, the brakes and the steering wheel and I was in total control of the vehicle. But most importantly, I trusted my decisions more than somebody else's.


But today's discussion about being a driver really isn't just about your transportation, right. No, it's really about making your own decisions in life, not leaving things to chance or to others to make those decisions in your behalf. Very simply, driving is a very proactive role. Being a rider or a passenger is a very reactive role, or non-active role, sometimes dictating the difference between life and death, much the same as traveling in a vehicle. Every one of us in our own daily lives is either a driver or a passenger, a rider. Those are the only two options we have In our businesses, our careers, our jobs, our families and relationships. We either jump in and grab the wheel of our own futures we drive the vehicle that we choose to travel in or we're just a rider or passenger in someone else's business, someone else's job, someone else's relationship.


What about you?


Are you the driver of your life or just in the back seat along for a ride in someone else's life? Listen, no judgment here. Many people spend their whole life as a rider and are blissfully happy that way, but it is something to think about, isn't it? As a rider, you're always at the mercy of someone else's decisions or actions In your relationships. Do you just go along with the crowd or do or go wherever they choose to go instead of you, or are you able to voice your ideas and redirect the crowd?


Does your spouse or significant other make the decisions on where you vacation, what home improvements to make, what events you will or will not attend, or is it always a discussion and a compromise? And no, I'm not going to mention the whole decision on where to eat thing. That's definitely a no-win zone for everybody At work. Are you a leader or a worker? Maybe you run your own business. Maybe you're partners with somebody else that really controls the path of that business. Do you just clock in and clock out, or are you able to use your own talents, skills and passion to take a division or a department in a new direction? Do you take the dog for a walk or does Fido take you for a drag? If you're looking for a competitive edge for your business or a more effective jumpstart to your personal development in 2024, I'll make your first step super simple.


It is a fact that an incredible number of the most successful business owners, nearly half of the Fortune 500 companies, top-earning professional athletes, entertainers and industry leaders like Microsoft's Bill Gates, former President Bill Clinton, richard Branson, amazon's Jeff Bezos and Salesforce's Mark Benioff all have one thing in common they all have at least one coach and some have several that they work with on a consistent basis, someone that helps, guide, mentor and support them, challenge them, help them set and achieve goals that move them forward and then hold them accountable to follow through driving personal and professional growth. Working with a coach has many substantial benefits. Just for an example, 80% of coaching clients report improved self-esteem or self-confidence thanks to coaching, 99% of individuals and companies that hire a coach report being very satisfied and 96% would do it again. If, deep down, you know it's time to make those improvements in your business or your personal life that you've kicked down the road year after year. If you're tired of knowing there's a better version of you waiting to shine but unsure of how to bring that version to light. If you're tired of wanting to enjoy a more successful business but not sure how to start, and if you don't want to go another 12 months without better results. You don't want to go it alone, then take the first step. It's super simple. Sometimes talking to the right person can make all the difference. Go to wwwrixelovercom contact and I'll set you up with a free consultation. Call with me to see if one-on-one coaching is right for you. Now I'm not trying to offend anyone or make anybody feel bad about being a writer. No, not at all, as many can spend years and decades in this role and really not give it a second thought.


This is just something to help bring some awareness to what we tend to fall into easily, almost effortlessly, without understanding the importance of taking charge of our own lives and our own future outcomes, or not taking charge and having to deal with those consequences. It's a little different. When you're a child, your parents usually have your health and safety in mind, but, man, once you're an adult, absolutely no one has your best interests in mind but you. No one else can see your hopes, your dreams, your desires but you and no one else can take the actions. Your dreams, your desires but you, and no one else can take the actions needed towards those dreams but you, if you have some levels of success you wish to achieve, or looking for fulfillment in what you do or want to make a positive impact on our world. It cannot be done as a passenger in the back seat. You must be the one behind the wheel driving. Just like in the movies, there's always just one hero of the story he. You must be the one behind the wheel driving. Just like in the movies, there's always just one hero of the story. He or she is the one faced with some kind of difficulty and some obstacles to overcome and ultimately, after several ups and downs, finds victory and hence becomes the hero of the story. Right? Yes, there's some other supporting actors and actresses that play a role or play a part in the story, but the story isn't about them, is it? Some are influential in the outcome of the story, but they're easily forgotten about afterwards. They were just a writer in the hero's story. You know what I mean. We should all be striving to be the hero of our own story, shouldn't we?


There is a great quote from one of my favorite speakers, jim Rohn. It says if you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan and guess what they have planned for you. Not much. Let that sink in for a minute. If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan and guess what they have planned for you Not much. If that thought stirs you a bit, that's good, that's okay.


If you've been a rider through most of your life but feel you really would like to start driving, be the one steering your own ship, the pursuer of your own goals and dreams. It is never too late to start. Never. Be the one steering your own ship, the pursuer of your own goals and dreams. It is never too late to start. Never In full transparency. In different areas of my own life, I've been a rider too.


In certain time periods of growing, I found it so easy to just be a passenger, not having to be responsible for the outcomes. Hey, I didn't choose that path, it's not my fault. This happened. Avoiding the possible blame for poor results can feel like a win sometimes, but it's really not. Once I started taking control of certain areas of my life and putting focus and energy into making those things happen that I wanted, I started seeing the results that only come from taking full control of your destiny and I gotta say it's pretty cool and it's kind of addicting.


So if this conversation has you thinking it's time for you to start jumping into that driver's seat. Just pick one little area of your life. Decide to make all the decisions affecting the results in that area. Don't count on anyone else to make it happen for you. You need to visualize the end results you want. You get to make the moves that need to be made. You're going to take the lumps and the bumps and the troubles that may come with it, but with some fortitude, commitment and a desire to achieve whatever it is that you visualized, you might just surprise yourself. Well, that's all I had for you today. Thanks again for tuning in. I really appreciate your support and I hope you have a great week. I can always be reached at wwwrixelovercom, where you can find all my social media links podcast episodes, blog posts and much more. Outro Music.

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