Mind Wrench Podcast

Episode #171 - My Body Bangin interview -w/ Micki Woods

Rick Selover- interviewed by Micki Woods-Body Bangin Episode 171

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Episode Notes: 

Ever feel like you're stuck on autopilot, bogged down by the same old habits, and thought patterns?

Expert interviewer Micki Woods of the Body Banging Podcast helps me unravel the secrets to breaking free from this mental merry-go-round. We're peeling back the layers on self-awareness and personal development to give you the tools you need to transform both your business and personal life. It's time to tweak your morning routine and experience how those first 30 minutes in the morning can revolutionize your entire day, boosting performance and fostering positive growth.
Our conversation wasn’t just about the reshaping of your mornings; it's a roadmap to overhauling your life's narrative. I'm sharing a few of the life-changing strategies that reshaped my world starting in my forties, thanks to motivational mentors like Tony Robbins. Micki and I dissect the resistance to change that we all face and lay out ways to conquer it, ensuring that you're not merely surviving, but thriving in business and life. Learn to easily navigate the choppy waters of personal development and come out sailing smoother than ever, because breaking old patterns isn't just beneficial—it's essential.
As we wrap up, we zero-in on the detrimental habit of reaching for your cell phone first thing in the morning and provide solid solutions to break that cycle.

 Remember, the way you react to the world is your choice, and it's within your power to infuse positivity into your daily actions… accept the challenge and witness the transformation!



Watch on YouTube: Body Bangin Podcast -Ep.#107 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfDHs2jNFec

Micki Woods Marketing: https://mickiwoods.com/ or https://collisioncentermarketing.com/

Email Micki: micki@mickiwoodsmarketing.com 

LinkedIn:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/micki-woods-36374121/


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Recently, I had the honor of being interviewed by probably the most well-known podcaster in the collision industry space. Well, besides me, she's interviewed just about everybody, that is, anybody in our industry runs her own successful marketing firm specifically for auto body shops. Not only is she a great friend of mine, but also one of my co-hosts on the Collision Cocktail Hour show. And if you haven't guessed who she is by now, it's Micki Woods, the host of the Body Banging Podcast. Micki invited me to sit down with her and share some insight on the power I've discovered of self-awareness, self-development and how reshaping something as simple as your morning routine can produce massive positive results in not only your personal performance but your business success as well not only your personal performance, but your business success as well.


Welcome to the MindWrench Podcast with your host, Rick Selover, where minor adjustments produce major improvements in mindset, personal growth and success. This is the place to be every Monday, where we make small improvements and take positive actions in our business and personal lives that will make a major impact in our success, next-level growth and quality of life.


Hey, what's up everybody? Welcome to the MindWrench Podcast. I'm your host, rick Silover. Thanks so much for stopping in. If you're a returning listener and haven't done so already, please take a minute and click the follow or subscribe button and then rate and review the show. When you rate and review the show, the algorithms for Apple, spotify, google Podcasts, iheartradio, amazon Music and all the other platforms will see that it's valuable and show it to more people that have never seen it before, and hopefully it can help them too. I would really, really really appreciate your help, sharing this word with your friends and family as well, and if you're a brand new listener, welcome. I hope you find something of value here that helps you in your personal or professional life as well. Please make sure to click the subscribe or follow button so you never miss another episode.


Recently, I had the honor of being interviewed by probably the most well-known podcaster in the collision industry space. Well, besides me, she's interviewed just about everybody, that is, anybody in our industry, stays active in the collision community, runs her own successful marketing firm specifically for auto body shops, and is always looking to add value to the business we all love. Not only is she a great friend of mine, but also one of my co-hosts on the Collision Cocktail Hour show, and if you haven't guessed who she is by now, it's Micki Woods, the host of the Body Banging Podcast. Micki invited me to sit down with her and share some insight on the power I've discovered of self-awareness, self-development, and how reshaping something as simple as your morning routine can produce massive positive results in not only your personal performance but your business success as well. We also discussed how I've used these lessons to help shop owners make improvements in their personal and professional lives through my one-on-one coaching. Well, let's get to that interview with Micki on the Body Banging Podcast.


Hey, welcome back. Today we are going to talk about some shifts that you can make in your personal life that will massively affect not just your personal life but your business life. We're talking with Rick Selover, who does coaching with shop owners. He's been in the industry a long time and he talks about some things that he works with shop owners on and how they affected the shop owner and also the team and his business. And at the end of the episode, I'm going to give you all a challenge, because I 100% guarantee if you change this one thing in your daily life, that it will impact you significantly. I would say so. I invite you to take the challenge and hit me up. Am I right or am I wrong? Well, you're going to have to listen and hear what the challenge is first. Hello and welcome to today's episode of the Body Banging Podcast. So happy to have you back If you are a follower of the podcast.


First of all, thank you so much. I feel like I've been doing the podcast for quite a while now and it's so cool when I see comments come in on YouTube, when people hit me up in an email or something, just thanking for the content and for the guest. It's just like. This is why I do what I do, so thank you so much. If you're watching this on YouTube, if you wouldn't mind, hit that subscribe button. If you subscribe and you hit the bell to get notifications, then you'll get notified every time a new episode drops. And if you're listening on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, you can also follow and subscribe there, so you don't miss any of these. But let's get down to business. Today I got the one and only Rick Sellover on with me today. Hello, rick.


Hey, mickey, how are you? Good to see you again.


Good, you too. And if you haven't noticed, rick has this smooth, deep voice that's like perfect for radio, and he's also a podcast host. Rick has the MindWrench podcast, so if you haven't checked it out yet, definitely after you listen to this one, head on over there, because he's got some good stuff.


It is good stuff. There's no doubt about it.


If you don't believe in your own brand, what are you really doing?


I do. But, mickey, we all love your stuff too, so you do a great job. You have some great guests, some fantastic guests on your show. I do, I do, it goes to you.


Yeah, thank you. It's my guests that make it all wonderful. Now let me tell you a quick bit about Rick. He's been in the industry for umpteen million years. He also does which I love coaching with body shops, and he also is one of the hosts on the Collision Cocktail Hour with me. I've known Rick. He's been a good friend for many years now. I'm blessed to have him as a friend and I wanted him to come on today because he works with a lot of independent shop owners and coaches them on all kinds of different things. And I feel like we are in a place right now and, rick, you may disagree or agree where shops are slowing down. There's a lot of anxiety, a lot of tension and it seems like we're getting hit from all ends. Do you feel that with the shops that you're talking with and working with?


Yes, I do. As far as the slowing down, I am seeing some of that right. And so when it's been crazy busy since COVID, you know, kind of started to taper for most shops in most areas of the country. So everybody's used to that busy, busy, busy, busy all the time. I get four or five weeks scheduled out and all that starts trickling down to a week or three or four days scheduled out for some shops. They get a little nervous, right. And also, what's going on is there is a lot of change in our world right now. There's a lot of change in this industry specifically, you know, more change than I would have ever imagined this industry would go through. But there it is, we're all trying to get through it and it makes it really difficult and I think people need help. Sometimes they don't know that they need help or they don't want to ask for help, but when they get a little taste of it they go oh man, that makes a difference, right, right. So that's kind of why I do what I do. This is why I have a podcast. I started that four years ago. It was just.


I've worked with shops for 30 some years, you know, as a distributor, in tons of shops and I've always worked with the painters, work with the body guys, work managers and owners and helped little bits at a time, helped them understand certain things, yeah, and if it made an improvement I got something out of it. It wasn't because I got to sell them something else. That really never was a piece of it. It was that fulfillment that you get when you help somebody you know and they make an improvement and life gets better for them. It's like, hey cool, I helped them.


Absolutely yes, yeah, it's better for them. It's like, hey cool, I hope so. Absolutely yes, yeah. So I really found a place to really exercise that kind of work Once I started this podcast, I started meeting people and I got a couple of people I coach in the evenings because I still had a full-time job, right, and it was really, it's really been enjoyable and I'm really seeing that impact and I'm seeing other there's other coaches out there too are doing the same thing. So there's little bits and pieces of these shops that are starting to benefit from some of those extracurricular sessions of talking and working through things and finding ways to help them with themselves and their businesses.




Well, and I've heard from some of the shops that you work with with how helpful it is to have somebody, because oftentimes we're so stuck in our own lives and our own worlds getting through the day to day and, like you said, you made a really good point.


Some people know they need help, but they just don't know exactly what that help looks like. And other people don't really even know that they need help until they get a little bit and they're like wow, we don't know what, we don't know Exactly. So I think that's the perfect way to look at it and I think today I'd like to have you share with all of us some of the things that you work with with people, because I think that the listeners may not even be aware of, as you talk about some things, that those things that they're doing on a daily basis are really impacting them much. They just are. They're like behaviors that we, they're automated behaviors and we don't really think much about them because it's just what we do every day and we don't really realize the program is playing and therefore we keep getting very similar results. We keep finding ourselves coming up against the same hurdles over and over again and I'm sure you see the same types of things.


Oh, absolutely, it's funny. You said the same story I remember listening to. Years ago I was in a shop and they were using an outside company to do kind of what we've been doing is helping others, but they're getting more intense on the psychology behind what needs to change for them to have more successful businesses. They're usually your own block. You're the one that's preventing you from advancing in one direction or another. Yeah, and I heard this lady. I can't remember her name, but she referred to as the movie in your head, right, right, you're the one that's preventing you from advancing in one direction another. Yeah, and I heard this lady. I can't remember her name, but she referred to as the movie in your head, right, so we all have the movie running in our head. Uh on, you know I was gonna say that, or I should have done this, or you know we're always thinking ahead and it's like a movie, right, right. So I just I took that concept and really started thinking about, like man, that's spot on.


So over time now, none of the stuff I work with people and I've been working with shops for a long time, but none of it is originally all mine, right, I learned from self-development. I've read books from since, about the time I was about 40. I started picking up self-development books and I really enjoyed them. Not everybody in this business likes to read, and I get it. I didn't like to read until I read that first one and go holy shit, that makes a difference. Let me find another one. That whole road led me to listen to people like Tony Robbins and MI Letton. There's so many great minds out there that have written books that help motivate and help others learn why they do the dumb ass things that they do and how to recognize why you're doing those things. What's causing it? Maybe it's something in your background or upbringing or whatever, but you can always fix those things and then move forward and have more success. Right, if you're looking for a competitive edge for your business or a more effective jumpstart to your personal development in 2024, I'll make your first step super simple.


Business owners, nearly half of the Fortune 500 companies, top-earning professional athletes, entertainers and industry leaders like Microsoft's Bill Gates, former President Bill Clinton, oprah Winfrey, richard Branson, amazon's Jeff Bezos and Salesforce's Mark Benioff all have one thing in common they all have at least one coach and some have several that they work with on a consistent basis, someone that helps, guide, mentor and support them, challenge them, help them set and achieve goals that move them forward and then hold them accountable to follow through driving personal and professional growth. Working with a coach has many substantial benefits. Just for an example, 80% of coaching clients report improved self-esteem or self-confidence thanks to coaching, 99% of individuals and companies that hire a coach report being very satisfied and 96% would do it again If, deep down, you know it's time to make those improvements in your business, your personal life, that you've kicked down the road year after year. If you're tired of knowing there's a better version of you waiting to shine, but unsure of how to bring that version to light. If you're tired of wanting to enjoy a more successful business but not sure how to start, and if you don't want to go another 12 months without better results but you don't want to go it alone, then take the first step. It's super simple. Sometimes talking to the right person can make all the difference. Go to wwwrixelovercom contact and I'll set you up with a free consultation. Call with me to see if one-on-one coaching is right for you.


So I really keyed in on a lot of that stuff and I started putting He'd have an owner that was just arrogant, egotistical, hard driving, treat his customers and his employees horrible and wonder why they didn't do well, they had poor self-esteem. He had people leaving all the time. So I started putting all those things together and going. You know what? This is really just a matter of taking what I've learned working with somebody and finding out some of the key things of where they're at right now. Right. And once you find out some, you know I'm not a psychologist, I'm not that smart, really not. But there's some basic things people do currently, right now, whether it's their health habits, whether it's their eating and sleeping habits, exercise no, exercise, any kind of special routine they do or don't, and the people they surround themselves with and the intakes that they have, whether it's TV or movies or radio or the kind of music you listen to or podcasts. You know now has been a bigger factor, right, but a lot of those things.


Once you get a snapshot of where people are at mentally and emotionally, then you can start looking at okay, listen, you can fix this one thing It'll make a difference in three other areas of your life. So we'll go through some practices and you know and I tell people up front. Listen, I can help you with your business. I can help you do a better job in your shop with profitability, with throughput in your paint booth, with better management up front, better CSR all those fun little things that I've learned over the years. But I can't teach you anything. I can't help you with anything unless you understand where you're at now and understand that you can change some of those things. And every session I have with somebody I go through some of the emotional, some of the mental and just the physical things first before we get into the big part, so it keeps them on track.


I got one guy I've been working with for three and a half years and he would listen to everything I said. He'd made changes physically in his routines. Then he saw the improvements in his shop and how he treated things and just, I love it because it makes a difference. But, mickey, it's hard for people to really get a hold of that and trust the fact that they can change something in their lives. They can change how they think about things, they can change their patterns and their behavior. And that's the toughest part is getting people to believe in that, to understand what to do.


So it sounds like, and I believe the same thing, and I read and listen to a lot of the same people you do. That's why I know we feel similar about a lot of this. Awareness is the first thing, and I think that's exactly what you were saying is that's why you have the conversation with them, because oftentimes we're doing things and we're acting in ways that are detrimental to our own selves. We don't have the awareness to even recognize what are my patterns, what am I doing? And so oftentimes it does take somebody like you or somebody else to come in and ask those questions to make us actually look internally and be like, hmm, like you said, diet what does your diet look like? What is your exercise? What are your sleeping habits, basic things that we're going to do every day, we're going to eat every day, we're going to go to sleep and wake up every day. What are those habits look like for you?


And so then there's that piece, and then there's the piece of once you shift, that the amount of things that one shift can then affect down the road, and like then you ended up with saying, which I think is great, but the issue is, people don't really believe that the one shift up front will actually affect the things down the road. So therefore, why? Because it's uncomfortable to change. So why be uncomfortable if it's really not going to do anything anyway? I'm sure that I'm assuming that's what the pushback is.


It's not my fault, it's my employee's fault, it's my wife's fault, it's my husband's fault. It's you know, if this building was just three miles down the road, my business would be. No, it's none of that shit. It's none of that stuff. You can take the worst location, worst shop conditions, and you could turn that into a goldmine Once you believe that you can and you understand what you'd have to do internally first, and then the other stuff will fall into place after that.


Right, you see how many successful body shop owners you can talk to Mickey in your pocket. You've had some fantastic people on your show that are killing it out there and we go to these. You know we go to Seamer, we go to events or CIC and you talk we go to these. You know we go to Seamer, we go to events or CIC and talk to people that are performing at super high levels. They are no smarter or no more. You know magical or lucky or anything else Right or anybody else in the shop. They just use their resources properly, they learn, they read, they listen to others. I mean, that's the best thing you can do is learn from others.




So, yeah, there's hope for everybody out there. There really is. But you know, people get stuck in their heads sometimes and you can't break through that. You can't get past that Right. There's people who believe that I'll never be successful, I'll never be able to do with that shot. There's no way I that shot, there's no way I I don't have, I can't do that right, right. Well, kenny ford says if you believe you can or you believe you can't, you'll be right I I agree, that's really what it is, so yeah, yeah.


And I was thinking if you can see it, you can achieve it, because if you see it, you believe it and you can achieve it. And if you can't even envision yourself being there because you're so talking, you're so concerned about all the things you can't do, well, you're right, you're never gonna get there yeah, and it's.


There's really, um, you know, I've I'm not like most people. I've been feeding my mind with positive stuff for years and you know the quotes, the uh, the stories, the uh podcasts listen to. I listen to probably three or four podcasts every single day. It's not sports or true crime or any other really popular ones, it's all self-development, it's you know that kind of stuff. And, man, I hear something every day that I didn't hear the day before and I try to put that into action in my life and I think it's fantastic and I try to share that through every media that I can, whether it's on my podcast, whether it's an Ecclesian cocktail hour, whether it's one-on-one with somebody, or even just. I've been doing quote of the day for probably 10 years. And if anybody wants to join the mailing list, I have a mailing list. Yeah, it's on my website, but I have a mailing list, yeah.


It's on my website, but I send a quote of the day. I'll put it in the description also for you.


Yeah, yeah. I send a quote of the day out every weekday of the week. And just a little something. I've had people five, six years later go. Man, don't stop doing that quote of the day. I look forward to those every day. These are owners of shops, millionaires, multimillionaires. It makes a difference for a lot of people.


Yeah Well, in your opinion, let's say you have somebody. If they come and they want to work with you, they're clearly open-minded enough to want to make a shift. They're ready to be uncomfortable. They know it's going to be uncomfortable and they're ready. They're like, whatever it takes. When you start working with them, where's the first point of pushback that you get? Typically, when? Do you?


get to and then all of a sudden you start getting that reason. They're like, yeah, let's go, let's do it. And then all of a sudden it's like but maybe not that.


Yeah, where where do you get that? Well, it's, it's the change that they have to make first before anything else magical is going to happen in their business. And I'll tell people right up front listen, this is not going to be like you know. You hired mike anderson. He's going to come in and guy knows everything about this business and he's going to set you on course and in whatever it takes. I said I don't have his intelligence, I don't have his background. That he does and he is the best in the business. But what I do is different.


I will first ask you a lot about your habits and all those things I mentioned earlier and they'll push back a little bit of that Like well, how soon do we get to the? Well, let's get past this part first. Soon do we get to the? Well, let's get past this part first? Right, and usually it's pushback is when they have to make a physical change. Like I'll always suggest, people start a. If they don't have one, it's a lot. Don't start a morning routine. Um, that sets your whole day. It sets your mental compass. It does so many things for you. I'm such a firm believer in it and getting people to get on it and then stick to it, because I'll keep checking back with them each week or two whenever I talk to them. Hey, did you do your workout this morning? Did you have a healthy breakfast, those kinds?


of things.


Why is this guy asking me this shit? Well, because it makes a difference, right? If you don't eat something until two in the afternoon, that's going to affect how you think and how you act and your emotions and everything else. So you're starving your brain from something it needs for a second. It's just stupid little simple things like that that people can push back on. But once they try something and I push them enough and they go, you know what I do feel better by lunchtime. I'm not starved. At lunchtime I'm not as angry as I am. Right, like I said, it's not brain surgery, but it's just some manipulation on how you start and how you process your day from more of a physical and emotional and mental level. Yeah, it makes such a big difference, mickey, that I see guys that get it and man, they perform at top levels in all areas of their life.


It's like why wouldn't you want to do that?


Right, right. Well, yeah, because I think it really goes back to the initial discomfort of I want to get whatever it is. Either I want to get every it is, either I want to get every last second of sleep I can get, or the second I jump out of bed I'm drawn. I check my the worst thing we can do I check my phone. That is horrible.


I listened to that from Dean Graziosi had mentioned that I went through a program with him, Tony, during COVID, and that was one of the things he really harped on was best thing you can do for yourself is don't even look at your phone for the first hour of the day. Yep, he said, hide it, turn it off, whatever. But there's so many people they roll over first thing in the morning and they're looking at their phone. They're scrolling and they're looking at their phone and they're scrolling. You get into the doom scroll of Instagram, Facebook. It's like now you feel like you get up, you feel horrible because everything's bad in there, right? Or you're comparing yourself to all these glamorous people in life that are just BS. So, yeah, I got a 23-year-old daughter. I try to talk her out of doing that. It's like talking to a brick wall. Um, so if I can help an older person, you know in their 30s, 40s and 50s.


Uh, then I'll aim there.


So well that and I think it puts us. I know for me, because I'm like you, where I've been working on myself a lot and I find the phone thing was really big because it takes me out of being reactive. If I get on my phone, I check for my texts God forbid I look at my emails, because then I start working the second I wake up and now I'm reactive and I'm on everybody else's timetable and my adrenaline goes up, my cortisol levels go through the roof and I can feel it in my body versus I don't get on my phone, my phone actually stays in airplane mode until I have a whole slew of things I do in the morning before I even pick up, and I have a setting actually then I'll put it to and that allows for any like emergency calls to come through. So if parents, my kids, whatever they could get through, but that would be it and that's how I spend my morning and very rarely do I ever hear my phone, but it's like right into meditation, my prayers, my things that will ground me and calm me.


And, rick, I don't know if you remember this, but on the Collision Cocktail Hour you shared like maybe it was even a year ago, months and months and months ago, your morning routine. You shared it in the Closure. Oh yeah, I actually still have it on my desktop. I don't follow all of these, but it's like a motivation for me of it's a reminder Excellent, yeah, of the things. And Rick has one. His goes from well, you're waking up at 4.50 am, 10 till 5 am, 10 till 5 am and then it goes to 7.30. So he's got like a two and a half hour thing that he goes through. Mine is not two and a half hours, mine is closer to an hour. I feel like, whatever it is, even if it's a half hour, start with 15 minutes, for goodness sake, sure.


Yeah, if you're just doing something that's good for you and it's strictly just for you first thing in the morning, there's no better way to start your day. Yeah, so I mind just he kind of evolved into what it is. Yeah, I gotta be honest that, uh, past three, four weeks it's not been quite there, slipped off a little bit, so I won't tell no, but but I started that once again. That went back to that first program I went through with Dean and Tony and that was one of the things that Dean had mentioned, that he has been doing a morning routine for years and it makes a big difference. He explained what it does and why it does it and I thought, well, shit, that makes different, you know that makes sense, why not?


I started doing it and I thought, well, shit, that makes different. You know, that makes sense. Why not? I started doing it, Um, and I've been. I've been on the same program for, you know, four years now. Um, and I tell you what I feel it if I miss a day or two days, feel it, Um, and I, you know it's, it's uh, you know hydration, it's lemon water, it's a green drink, it's exercise, and then it's sitting down and writing out what I'm going to do for the day. So I plan everything. So when it's 7.30, 8 o'clock, I'm ready to rock. I've got everything done. I'm ready to go. Yeah, Mentally, physically, everything. And that's awesome. Anybody wants it. I actually made a PDF for that and I'm glad we share that for anybody that wants that.


Okay, I'll put your email in the description, rick. So if you guys want it, you can hit Rick up and he'll send it over to you. I've got it. I also have it here. It's a good reminder for me every once in a while. But, yeah, I think it's something that we should all be looking at is those types of things.


The other thing, I mean we're talking, we're really getting granular here, and I'm cool with it because I think it's so powerful, like having a morning routine, whatever that is, and I heard somebody the other day that said start with small changes. Like a lot of us are like I'm going to go to the gym, I haven't been to the gym in five years, but I'm going to start going to the gym. I'm going to go six days a week, and then they go one day and then they fall off the second day and then the third day. They're like well, there went my six days, so now I'm out. I guess I'll start next week. And so I forget who it was that was talking about it. I don't think it was Ed Milet, but it could have been. Start with small changes If it's waking up a little bit earlier, instead of waking up an hour and a half earlier, an hour earlier. They say start 15 minutes earlier, then do 30 minutes Like work your way, work your way.


The sleeping thing, I feel like, is a huge piece of it, especially as owners of businesses and managers. We have so much on our mind, there's so many things we're thinking about and we're just boo. As owners of businesses and managers, we have so much on our mind, there's so many things we're thinking about and we're just boo. And then in the evening we're on our social media because we finally have a time to relax, and then that just wires us. I'm sure your clients are probably getting coached to go to bed at a certain hour so that they can wake up and get a good sleep. I think in our industry we pride ourselves on getting four hours of sleep. I don't get three hours of sleep every night. Look at me go and you're like, oh yeah.


It's a bragging point no it's not yeah. No, I would agree there's. You know, this industry is very specific. It's so much different than other industries in a lot of ways, but what I mean is it's very draining for most technicians and shop owners and managers and anybody that really hustles in this business.


I mean, you're physically drained at the end of the day, right? So the only time your body gets to really recharge, fix what's broke, you know, rejuvenate yourselves and all that stuff is when you're in a deep sleep. And if you're looking at your phone while you're in bed, before you go to bed now, your brain will not shut off immediately, right? Because of the blue light or whatever, right? And if you don't get a good, solid sleep, you don't do a full repair, you don't feel as good as you would the next morning. You keep doing that day after day after day after day, and your body really never gets to rejuvenate itself.


You know, guys pick up weight. Right, they're 40s, 50s, 60s. These guys get heavier and heavier. A lot of that is because when you don't get a good solid seven let's say seven hours of sleep, you will end up picking up more weight because something goes on in your body while you're sleeping.


Yeah, and it's like I can't believe that would make a difference, but it does, yeah, yeah, there's just there's so many things that affect us and, like I said, this is a tough industry. You know, I got so much appreciation for all those shop owners and workers out there that do what they do every day to make sure our family's vehicles are safe and properly repaired, and you know back to us on time all those kinds of things that you know. It makes sense for people to understand that they can do some things for themselves. That's really helpful. Yeah, probably prolong their life. Yes, make life more enjoyable. Right, I've met so many miserable people. It's really unfortunate. I've met so many miserable people in this business just because they're doing things to themselves that they could change and make improvements.


So I think, that might be my internal drive, like why I keep doing what I'm doing. I've been doing this podcast for four years and you know it's a grind, it's a lot of work to get a nice quality I believe mine's quality to get a quality podcast out there on a weekly or biweekly basis Right For zero dollars. So why?


would somebody want to do that? Yes, it's just my. I think you know part of my calling to try to help people within this industry, so I'll keep doing it, yeah, until I can find a robot that looks just like me, you know they actually have AI now that can do that for both of us actually Frightening. Yeah, I agree, we can make a new one called the Nick and Rick Show right, so we'll have two little icons on there, that are two bots.


Yeah, god only knows. God only knows what would come from that. Oh shit, yeah, I love it. I hope that everybody's thinking and evaluating something that they, I think internally.


Honestly, we know there are things that we should be shifting. There are things right now, as you're listening to this, you're like, yeah, I can do better with that, whether it's the phone thing, the sleep thing, the food thing, the moving your body. Being in a body shop and getting in a bazillion steps because you're running around the shop doing all the things is not the same as going and actually getting a workout and lifting weights, and it's not the same for your body. So, whatever that one thing, I would challenge people. Whatever the one thing is that popped into your mind and we've all got it. We've all got at least one thing that we can work on. Pick one thing and think okay, how can I tweak that? And start to shift it, and you make the little shift and you make the little shift For same.


I did the same thing. For me it was do not pick up my phone in the morning. As difficult as that was, because I was so programmed to pick up that phone every morning. I am so grateful now I don't pick up that phone in the morning. And I started there and then I didn't and I would just For my morning routine. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, do the things, and then a half hour later I'd be like, okay, now I'll go pick up my phone. So I started there.


Then I added a meditation in the morning. I have a little YouTube thing I listen to and then it just kind of snowballed from there because I felt the results. Like you're saying, you don't believe the results until you get them, oftentimes with this type of thing, because it's like oh yeah, that's fine for them, mickey and Rick, that might work for them, but it doesn't work. No, it works for everybody. So, whatever that one thing is, pick it and just shift it a little bit, just start, just start. I think that would be something. Do you have anything that you would like to add to that or throw out there also?


Well, I would agree that, yeah, pick one thing. I just want to tell you a quick story. I had two clients I work with for a period of time. One was this, this really great lady that, um, she had a couple things that were holding her back and, uh, you know, from getting a good night's sleep and and I started picking away at okay, so what, what is your process in the morning? What's your, what's your normal morning routine look like? And the first thing she said it was usually I'll get up and I'll grab my phone, and I'll usually. Because I asked her how long it takes from time she gets up to where she's off to work, so I'm picking that apart a little bit going. So, how much time do you spend on social media? Well, I don't know, probably an hour. So, first thing in the morning she's spending an hour on social media. Wow, that's really bad. You need to stop doing that. Right, that may be hard because it's very addictive. There's this dopamine hit every time you look at something on Facebook or Instagram. Right, that keeps people going. It's like gambling, right, you keep spending the things.


And she was taking a sleeping pill at night before she went to bed to sleep Because she had a very stressful work routine and so, anyways, my two focuses it's not so much on her business. I wanted to get her off that phone in the morning and I worked really hard to get her to cut down that pill. She didn't think she could do it and I think probably a month in she got down to half a pill, wow. And then before we finished she got off the pill. It's just little stuff like that that we do as humans, that we don't know. That. That's hey, listen helps me sleep, or that's what I like to wake up to and see what's going on in the world. It's great for a second right.


But it's not a great routine to be stuck in it, because there's usually negative effects to that.


Well, and sometimes you don't see the results immediately. Maybe the first day you get up and you're not on your phone for a half hour and you're like jonesing for it. You might not feel it in that moment, so it's like, oh, feel it in that moment. So it's like, oh, that didn't work. It's like, but this is no different. Like if you go to the gym, I'm gonna go to the gym for three days and I'm gonna be checking for my six pack at the end of that third day. Like it's gonna take. It might take a little bit of time.


It's a six pack, but it's covered with somewhere right, yeah, you know it's like yeah, none of this is just like some overnight massive success.


But, like with anything, when you stick with it, then you start to see the results and then you're like wow, right, okay, I mean my stress level, because I run high and I run busy. That I, like you were saying, I notice when I have not gone to bed, like what.


I call a decent time If I'm staying up like binging a Netflix show and then in the morning I'm tired, so I sleep a little bit longer and then I don't do my little routine or and I hop on my phone early and I forego all the things that I know better. That whole day I can feel it in my body and I can feel it too because I know the difference. I know the difference of how I feel when I'm getting my sleep, when I'm going to bed at a good time, when I wake up and I do my things, I'm off the phone. So I can feel it.


Maybe the first day I don't feel it, but if I hold and I push it to that second day, man, it is present. That just I don't know if I would call it anxiety, but that tension, that it's very present and palpable. It's like, wow, this is great. And I just hold it throughout the whole day. Sometimes I'll actually I recognize so like at lunchtime, rather than sitting and eating at my desk, working, I'll go outside and just leave my phone inside, go sit outside and just unplug for 20, 30 minutes, just take some deep breaths, eat my food, relax, and it's like, okay, just take a step away for a minute.


Take a step away for a minute. Yeah, yeah, we. You know. If I could tell people one thing to out of all this just to keep in mind is each one of us is 100% responsible and 100% in control of how we feel every day. And I know that seems big and that seems impossible, but it's a fact. And once you can wrap your head around the fact and go okay, yeah, you're right, what I choose to do in the morning, what I choose to do during the day, I choose to do. There's no way of holding a gun to your head saying you have to look at your phone, you have to sleep in, you have to not go to the gym. Nobody's forcing you, but yourself and your beliefs and your thoughts. That's it. Once you change that, once you figure out, you can change that anything's possible, anything's possible?


I love that. Can you say that part again? You're like which part? No, I can't.


It's not a script, it's the beginning you're like which part?


no, I can't I think I might have had this in one of my podcasts. I'm not sure, but I actually I put together a uh put together a talk I did with uh dave lure at his group last fall. Yeah, it's called um rnru mindset for high performance. So it was a lot of fun doing it right. So just something I built from some of the things I knew. You are 100% responsible and 100% in control of your thoughts and how your day goes based on your thoughts.


Yeah, Listen, other people can influence to a point. But, like I said, you make the decision on what you do or don't do every minute of every day, but it is up to you. So I've had so many people who point the finger of blame at everything else around. It's like, okay, those are circumstances, that's in your life, but you still have the control. I can choose to be positive every day and I am positive almost every day. Because I'm choosing to be that way? Because I know choosing to be negative or thinking about bad crap happening or the worst case scenarios doesn't make anything any better. It doesn't make those things come true or not come true. But thinking positively about I'm going to do this because I'm going to have a positive result that usually works out. So, once again, you're in control.


Yeah, I have a performance coach and he always says no one else can upset you, no one else can stress you out. It's how you choose to take the input that either a circumstance or a person is giving you. It's all, and you actually spoke on it recently. I'm looking here at his episode number 166. If you guys have a chance, take a listen to that one and it's exactly what my performance coach talked about. Things happen. It's not good or bad, they're happenings. Things are happening.


So he says something to you in a certain tone or whatever. It's not good or it's not bad. It's how we internalize it and then we will label it as something. So he always says, if we say in my coaching class, well, so, and so this happened to me and therefore I'm feeling, he's like no, no, no, that thing didn't cause you are choosing to, you are choosing that emotion to react with that emotion. Take responsibility. If you don't want to feel that way, choose not to feel that way. Yeah, it's like wow, that's like yoda, it's like it's so hard. Their emotions, emotions are so powerful. But at the end of the day, when we look at it, it's just it's something that happened. It's not good or it's bad.


It happened.


The car came back and it wasn't repaired properly and it's got a you know QC picked it up and now the customer's here to pick it up. It ain't ready, not good or it's not bad. It happened. What are we going to do with it? How are you going to feel about it? You get to choose all those things.


Absolutely. And all those changes affect you personally, but also your business Right. So, for you know and our core audience is going to listen to this, it's going to be business owners and it's like well, my business life is pretty good, but my personal life just seems to be crazy. It's nuts and.


I feel like I have control. Well, believe me, your business is not in control either. So because one, you know, whatever goes on with you and your thoughts and how you act, it's going to affect everything in your world right, relationships, your health, your business, and you know just how you feel. So, once again, you have flow, control and if you need help getting through that, there's so many people out there that I think would love to help, that want to help. Um, it's not a sign of weakness, because every single human being's got issues, problems, things that go on with them that they can't figure out how to fix. Well, that's, that's why you learn from others. That's why, that's why people read, that's why people watch youtube videos and not the youtube videos that you're talking about. I'm talking about the head-by-lip type YouTube videos right.


Yeah, there's a lot. There's just so much, especially the advent of podcasts. There's so much good stuff out there available. It's free, it costs you nothing and you could listen to a little bit or a lot of it, you know whatever you want. Anytime I'm in my car, it's like a rolling college for me. So I'm constantly listening and trying to learn something and I've never learned anything that I look back and said I wish I wanted to learn that. Yeah, good point it all helps.


It really does. Yeah, I love that. Well, I feel like we've given them a lot to think about. For some people, this is the first time they've even broached any of these topics, and for other people, they're like yeah, I'm on it and this is a great reminder. I mean because there is no arrival, you don't get there. And then you're like, ah done, check that, off my list because I'm good, now Perfection achieved. Whoever we are, we got stuff. We got stuff we can work on. So I hope today was either a reminder or an awakening for you to start evaluating some things and, just like I said, take one thing and move it a little bit. And podcasts are awesome. That's why I do this, that's why Rick does this. There'll be a link to his podcast in the description, so please go and check his podcast out. They're much shorter than mine, so you can listen to several.


Not always. Yeah, you do have some long ones.


But it's good, it's all good. So thank you so much for coming on and chit-chatting with me about this. I think it's the perfect time. In our industry, I talk to a lot of anxiety-ridden shop owners and managers on a daily basis and I think everything we talked about is super helpful if actually put into practice.


And we can all be better about that. Right, If you didn't turn this off after the first five minutes, congratulations. So a lot of people go oh, they're talking about emotions. I don't want it. No, no, no, not for me.


Yeah, no, no, no, no, that touchy feeling, no, no, like I said I'm not a psychologist.


I'm not a psychologist, I'm not a trained, nothing. But I've learned over years. You do this and this gets better. Well, why not do that? Right, Right?


Yeah, right, a hundred percent, okay. So there's going to be a link to the podcast, a link to your website if they want to sign up for any of the emails, and also Rick's email will be in there. So if you want to hit him up, if you want to get some coaching, if you want to get his PDF of his morning routine, just to give you some ideas, yeah, I love it and I hope that, especially during this crazy time that the world seems to be in right now, that these things that we're talking about, I guarantee you, I 100% guarantee that, and there's not many things you can put a guarantee on, but I 100% guarantee that if you wake up and don't turn on your phone for the first hour of your day, I 100% come back and tell me. If it didn't help, you'd be the first that I've ever heard of Literally Any of the things we talked about, but that one specific thing I freaking guarantee you.


And you won't die not looking at your phone first, nothing bad will happen, right.


I guarantee you that, yeah, I'm with you. Well, thank you, rick. I always love chatting with you. It's always good to see you.


You too, mickey, love to talk to you too. You've got a lot of the same mindset stuff that I've got. We think alike on several things, so it's always nice to have that conversation.


This is why we always have so much fun hanging out. When we actually see each other in person, we can take a peek out on all this stuff, yeah it is fun. It is fun, all right, everybody. Well, thank you for listening to today's episode of the Body Banging Podcast. Make sure you're subscribed on YouTube, hit that notification bell, and if you're listening, make sure you click the follow or subscribe button as well, so you can get notified when the next one drops. And we will see you all in two weeks for the next one.


Well, hopefully you found a couple gold nuggets in that conversation with Mickey and I and can start putting some tweaks and some adjustments in place that drastically improve your life, both at work and at home. I would also like to challenge you to try that one little hack of not touching your cell phone for the first 30 to 60 minutes of the day and just see how much better you feel in the morning without all that cortisol running through your veins, not to mention getting some of your valuable time back too. If you want a copy of my morning routine, just reach out and I'll send you that PDF. Most importantly, please reach out to Mickey Woods, marketing for any advertising or marketing needs, website design or SEO help.


Mickey has helped hundreds of shops drive more clients to their doors and is a great resource for any shop. Be sure to connect with her team with any questions. She's always there to help our collision community. I'll leave all of her contact information in the show notes. Thanks again for tuning in. I really appreciate your support and I hope you have a great week. I can always be reached at wwwrixelovercom, where you can find all my social media links podcast episodes, blog posts and much more.

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